
  1. Das instabile Kniegelenk im Sport – Stellenwert der Doppelbündeltechnik
    JARTROS. Orthopädie & Rheumatologie 6/2011. Kröner AH

  2. The Scarf Osteotomy
A Salvage Procedure for Recurrent Hallux Valgus in Selected Cases.
    Clin Orthop Relat Res (2010) 468:2177–2187
    Peter Bock MD, Ulrich Lanz MD, Andreas Kröner MD, Georg Grabmeier MD, Alfred Engel MD, PhD

  3. VKB-Doppelbündel
: Vorteil oder Nachteil für den Sportler?
    JARTROS Orthopädie 6/2009. A. Kröner

  4. Ist eine Ausübung von Sport nach einer Dynesys Operation möglich?

    AH. Kröner, R. Eyb, G. F. Grabmeier, A. Engel.
    Sportmed präventivmed (2009) 39/4: 6-14

  5. Influence of high tibial osteotomy on bone marrow edema in the knee.
    Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2007 Jan;454:155-62.
    Kröner AH, Berger CE, Kluger R, Oberhauser G, Bock P, Engel A.

  6. Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of posterior lumbar interbody fusion.
    Spine. 2006 May 20;31(12):1365-71.
    Kröner AH, Eyb R, Lange A, Lomoschitz K, Mahdi T, Engel A.

  7. Transient bone marrow edema syndrome of the knee: clinical and magnetic resonance imaging results at 5 years after core decompression.
    2006 Aug;22(8):866-71.
    Berger CE, Kröner AH, Kristen KH, Grabmeier GF, Kluger R, Minai-Pour MB, Leitha T, Engel A.

  8. Dynamische Stabilisierung bei segmentaler Instabilität.
    JATROS Orthopädie 2/2006
    A. Kröner, A. Lange, R. Eyb.

  9. Spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee: biochemical markers of bone turnover and pathohistology.
    Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2005 Aug;13(8):716-21.
    Berger CE, Kröner A, Kristen KH, Minai-Pour M, Leitha T, Engel A.

  10. Elevated levels of serum type I collagen C-telopeptide in patients with rapidly destructive osteoarthritis of the hip.
    Int Orthop. 2005 Feb;29(1):1-5. Epub 2004 Dec 30.
    Berger CE, Kröner A, Stiegler H, Leitha T, Engel A.

  11. Hallux valgus and cartilage degeneration in the first metatarsophalangeal joint.
    J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2004 Jul;86(5):669-73.
    Bock P, Kristen KH, Kröner A, Engel A.

  12. Cemented titanium stems show high migration: transprosthetic drainage system has no advantage over third-generation cementation technique.
    Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2004 Sep;124(7):489-94. Epub 2004 May 28.
    Pabinger C, Kröner A, Lange A, Eyb R.

  13. Biochemical markers of bone metabolism in bone marrow edema syndrome of the hip.
    Bone. 2003 Sep;33(3):346-51.
    Berger CE, Kröner AH, Minai-Pour MB, Ogris E, Engel A.

  14. Reaktives Knochenmarködem—Osteonekrose nach Kniegelenkarthroskopie.
    2003 Arthroskopie
    A. Kröner, C. Berger, G. Oberhauser, K. H. Kristen, R. Kluger, A. Engel.

  15. Decreased cutaneous vitamin D-synthesis in heavily melanized individuals: a rare cause for pathologic fractures of the hip.
    Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2003 Mar 31;115(5-6):186-90.
    Berger CE, Marteau R, Pabinger C, Kröner A, Ogris E, Engel A.

  16. Sonographic versus magnetic resonance arthrographic evaluation of full-thickness rotator cuff tears in millimeters.
    J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2003 Mar-Apr;12(2):110-6.
    Kluger R, Mayrhofer R, Kroner A, Pabinger C, Partan G, Hruby W, Engel A.

  17. Removal of the surface layers of human cortical bone allografts restores in vitro osteoclast function reduced by processing and frozen storage.
    Bone. 2003 Mar;32(3):291-6.
    Kluger R, Bouhon W, Freudenberger H, Kröner A, Engel A, Hoffmann O.

  18. Optimizing ischemia/reperfusion in the failing rat heart--improved myocardial protection with acute ACE inhibition.
    Circulation. 2002 Sep 24;106(12 Suppl 1):I277-83.
    Podesser BK, Schirnhofer J, Bernecker OY, Kröner A, Franz M, Semsroth S, Fellner B, Neumuller J, Hallstrom S, Wolner E.

  19. Quinaprilat during cardioplegic arrest in the rabbit to prevent ischemia-reperfusion injury.
    J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2002 Aug;124(2):352-60.
    Korn P, Kröner A, Schirnhofer J, Hallstrom S, Bernecker O, Mallinger R, Franz M, Gasser H, Wolner E, Podesser BK.

  20. Hypofibrinolysis, lipoprotein(a), and plasminogen activator inhibitor.
    Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2002 Apr;(397):342-9.
    Berger CE, Kröner A, Stiegler H, Erdel M, Haas OA, Engel A.

  21. Comparison of biochemical markers of bone metabolism in serum and femur aspirates.
    Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2002 Feb;(395):174-9.
    Berger CE, Kröner A, Thomas E, Kristen KH, Ogris E, Engel A.

  22. Diltiazem during reperfusion preserves high energy phosphates by protection of mitochondrial integrity.
    Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2002 Feb;21(2):224-31.
    Kröner A, Seitelberger R, Schirnhofer J, Bernecker O, Mallinger R, Hallstrom S, Ploner M, Podesser BK.

  23. Verletzungen beim Windsurfen.
    Sportorthopäden 2002
    A. Kröner, M. Wlk, KH Kristen, A.Engel.

  24. The erythrocyte-perfused "working heart" model: hemodynamic and metabolic performance in comparison to crystalloid perfused hearts.
    J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods. 1999 Feb;41(1):9-15.
    Podesser BK, Hallstrom S, Schima H, Huber L, Weisser J, Kröner A, Furst W, Wolner E.